There has been a recent flood of rumors, hearsay and misinformation regarding the Suffolk County High School Hockey League (SCHSHL)
Here are the facts:
- The SCHSHL is a viable member of New York State Amateur Hockey Association (NYSAHA) and USA Hockey (USAH)
- The SCHSHL intends to continuing running a High School Hockey Program in Suffolk County in 2021-2022 and beyond.
- The SCHSHL will continue playing its league schedule at the Rinx in Hauppauge.
- Several Suffolk High School organizations have announced their intention to leave the SCHSHL and join a newly formed “High School Hockey League of Suffolk County, Inc.”(HSHLSC).
- HSHLSC is joining the non-USA Hockey “New York State Club Hockey League”.
At this time, there are no additional ice slots available at the Rinx and the Rinx Management team has told the HSHLSC this on several occasions.
The HSHLSC will probably be playing at various rinks in Nassau County.
Any club or school team that wants to remain with, or join the SCHSHL may do so.
Contact the SCHSHL (Charlie V) at for any information or organizational assistance.
Board of Directors
Suffolk County High School Hockey League